HomeLatin AmericaCatch me, Neymar. I’m Flying!

Catch me, Neymar. I’m Flying!

June 15, 2015

The week’s most absurd soccer moments

By Sam Patterson


For us normal people, toe touches and a light jog should probably suffice for a warm-up. Dani Alves is not like us normal people. [source: /u/josh7185]

This comes from a place of love, Jordan Allen, but that was a shameful piece of simulation. [source: FIFA TV]

Giorgi Loria had some depth-perception issues in Georgia’s friendly against Ukraine. It didn’t count for qualification, but it hurt in terms of pride. [source: /u/king_zog]

Philippines goalie Nathaniel Villanueva went into that clearance incredibly confident. He could only look back and watch Myanmar pounce on his gaffe. #WhatAHowler. [source: gfycat]

Benoit Tremoulinas dispensed with anything resembling a ‘friendly’ with this two-footed tackle on Dries Mertens. [source: youtube]

Filip Helander laid a soccer ball an egg to lose Malmö FF two points this weekend. [source: 101greatgoals]

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