Camilo Sanvezzo suffers every contact lens wearer’s nightmare during Liga MX match
January 29, 2017
Just watching this is torture

Just after halftime in Queretaro’s match against Chivas on Saturday, Camilo Sanvezzo was forced to endure the thing that all contact lens wearers dread. Chivas defender Oswaldo Alanis accidentally knocked Sanvezzo’s lens out of his eye.
Remarkably, the Brazilian was able to find the fallen lens and he carefully attempted to replace it. But it wasn’t working. As the camera zoomed in on his face, anyone who has had a contact lens pop out at an inopportune time and place could feel the panic that surely took hold within him. With each passing second, that lens would get dryer, dirtier, and more difficult to salvage and replace.
As Sanvezzo struggled to get it to stay against his eye, teammates and opponents alike approached him to offer words of encouragement and perhaps offer to run back to the dressing room to get their own bottles of contact solution for him.
Despite this harrowing ordeal, Sanvezzo was able to play on and finish the match, but Queretaro lost 1–0. Maybe it’s time for Sanvezzo to invest in some Edgar Davids style sports glasses.