Chris Pratt warns Steven Gerrard about the existence of the sun
June 10, 2015
Pratt told Match of the Day Magazine:
“I tell you what, Steven, if you’re coming to LA, once you get there you’re going to see a ball of fire in the sky. Do not be alarmed. It’s called the sun. It’s not going to kill you. It’s just going to mean great weather all the time. Enjoy yourself, buddy. Look me up when you get there and I’ll buy you a drink.”
Pratt also recommended that Gerrard pack a lot of sunscreen before mentioning that Gerrard will have to smell pretty good if he’s going to surpass former Galaxy man David Beckham.
“I was able to see Beckham play. I went to watch LA Galaxy and I was right on the sideline which was pretty cool. I haven’t spent a lot of time with him but I imagine he smells pretty good. He’s an aftershave guy, I can’t imagine anything that would smell better than David Beckham.”
To top it off, Pratt also sang the Frank Lampard song, because that is very relevant to the promotion of Jurassic Park.
Anyway, on Pratt’s advice, Gerrard has certainly dumped everything out of his suitcase and filled it exclusively with sunscreen in anticipation of finally meeting this mythical giant ball of fire in the sky. Just squeezed out of the tube and right into the suitcase.