Lionel Messi hits woman with errant shot
March 20, 2016
الـMILF من المادريغال
— سَيِدُكُمُ آي نَعَم (@iRaufex) March 20, 2016
Barcelona’s war on fans continued during their match against Villarreal on Sunday when a Lionel Messi shot went over the bar and hit a woman in the hand.
Clearly in a tremendous amount of pain, the woman couldn’t even make it out of her row to receive medical treatment without having to sit back down.
This incident comes after Luis Suarez hit a child in the face with a shot during warm-ups earlier this month. Suarez immediately ran over and gave the crying boy his shirt and presumably said, “Take this so you remember who did this to you.”
It remains unclear what it will take to get Barcelona players to stop hurting people with their powerful shots. All we can do is pray that none of our loved ones are next.
UPDATE: It turns out Messi’s shot broke her hand. And she’s a Real Madrid fan. Coincidence? I think not.